Real-Time Database Inventory

There are currently 34,611 stolen firearms listed in our database

Please note: Firearms are added and removed from the database on a daily basis. The number of stolen firearms listed above is the current active count and does not include firearms that have been recovered or otherwise removed. The number of firearms added to the database since creation in 2009 is much higher.

Other Website Statistics

Monthly Gun Searches:

December 2018: 41,832

November 2018: 39,523

October 2018: 35,707

September 2018: 37,084

August 2018: 39,014

July 2018: 38,396

June 2018: 35,200

May 2018: 37,162

April 2018: 38,525

March 2018: 42,116

February 2018: 40,307

January 2018: 45,846

December 2017: 44,641

Top 10 Visitor States:

1) Texas

2) Georgia

3) Florida

4) North Carolina

5) California

6) Tennessee

7) Arizona

8) Illinois

9) Missouri

10) Ohio

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